Facebook Introduced New Tributes Section to Honor a Loved One After They Pass Away
Source: https://newsroom.fb.com
Facebook has recently introduced separate Tributes section on a memorialized profile where family and friends can share memories about the person in their remembrance all while preserving the original timeline of their loved one.
The platform will also only allow friends and family members to request having an account memorialized.
Legacy contacts can now moderate the posts shared to the new tributes section by changing tagging settings, removing tags and editing who can post and see posts. This helps them manage content that might be hard for friends and family to see if they’re not ready. And Facebook requested to parents who have lost children under 18 to become their legacy contact.
Facebook also improved its artificial intelligence systems to prevent the memorialized profiles from making awkward appearances. It will keep the profile from showing up in places where they may cause distress, such as recommending the deceased be invited to an event.
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