Alwafaa Group January 2019 – Valentines Beat
Yes finally it’s a weekend & Love is in the air.
Alwafaa Team spent the Valentine’s Day with a fun filled program hosted by the Digital Marketing Department with the energetic coordinators; Mr. Ajmal & Ms. Riya themed Valentine’s Beat.
Though the program lasted for an hour, games are well played by the team who are eager to win and later on concluded with the prize distribution to the lucky technocrats!
Nevertheless, the wait is over for the announcement of Star of the Month & Best Team for January 2019. The CEO, Mr. Muneer C & GM Mr. Abdul Sameekh reveal the best performing staff.
A big congratulations to Mr. Anoop A C for being the Star of the Month for January 2019 & To The Sales Department for being the Best Team of the Month, Managed by Mr. Nidhin Raj and the team Mr. Anoop A CM, Mr. Siby Ps , Mr. Anas Anekan , Ms. Vijayalaxmi Mudakavi , Ms. Athulya Anil & Mr. Abdul Jabbar.
Our hard work and consistency will always be noticed & the vision, desire to initiate a task that result to a great achievement & success deserves a great gratuity.